Our Services
Residential Painting
We work closely with homeowners to find the best colors to make your space feel fresh and new. Let our expertise and experience help you decided on what color works the best.
We work year-round
on interiors and exteriors.
Commercial Painting
We are proud to be involved in our community when it comes to new businesses, or reviving old favorites.
We have worked on the CVS, Town Pumps, Shodair Children’s Hospital, Lewis & Clark Jail,
and many more!
We created our sub business called “Dirty Dogs” a couple of years ago. We come in and clean
up after new construction.
The painters are usually the last ones on the job doing touch up, so having one company handling the end process helps ease the
stress on you.
More about our brand
We at Red Dog Painting believe in excellence and quality at its finest. Our workmanship and customer service along with our integrity will guide you through your whole project. Customer satisfaction is our utmost priority.